

Which fonts are you using? 
Futura for the post titles, gadget titles and tabs and Adobe Caslon Pro for the body.

Where can I find x that you used in y?
I almost always have a link back to the places where I took/used things from and that can be found in either the actual post or the resources tab. 

Where can I find fonts?
Pugly Pixel has a great list on her site that I recommend everyone to check out. Meanwhile two great sources that I recommend is Typekit and Google Web Fonts. Google is always adding fonts so keep checking every now and then for new fonts to try.

Did you design/tweaked from the basic template the site yourself?
YES! With lots of help from W3Schools :)

What kind of camera do you use?
Mainly my Nikon D7000 for my newer posts with 35mm lenses (my 50mm ones are at home with my parents).

What is your current policy regarding monetization?
I have recently decided to open my blog up for sponsorship with banner and link ads. Apart from that, I  otherwise accept no requests for sponsored posts, affiliates, product reviews etc. More info regarding sponsorship, click here.

Will you help me design my blog?
Sorry, I am a not a professional graphic designer/web developer! I'm only a college student who just googles the heck out of everything. There are some great designers out there much better than me—just look around and you'll find tons.

Would you be interested in collaborating/writing a guest post?
Hell yes! Just email me and we can take it from there.

More questions? Feel free to email me.