I am writing this to the sound of Unabashedly Prep's awesome February play list playing in the background and potentially annoying my room mate in the process. I like all types of music lately but I am always too lazy really to go "find" music per se. Which is awesome because the play list lends itself as a tasting platter to different kinds of music. Also I can look "cool" to my uh, L.A.C. hipster-y type of friends. It is also a rather effective method to drown out the sounds of the Super Bowl party held in the common room of the house.
Anyway this morning I was woken up rather unceremoniously to the falling of a nasty combination of icicles and snow from the roof. Look at the size of those icicles! The school should definitely do something about them before anyone gets hurt. I don't know if it's just this certain part of MA but yesterday it was raining on top of the half-melted snow and ice slush. This made such a treacherous combination that I almost died walking up the ice-covered slope to my house. Call me a little melodramatic but I never want to experience that again.
Moreover, the melting snow from the roof is leaking in to the some of my housemates' rooms. Yes make that plural. The house really needs renovation but I guess you can't complain too much about the overall state of infrastructure since it was built in 1821 and that Franklin Pierce used to study law here. Though I have to say I have been to the other houses on campus and most of them look a lot nicer/homey inside; but this old house still has full of character and despite its other faults, is a heck a lot nicer than the pseudo-Bauhaus constructions from the 1960s till the 1980s of other universities and colleges -- that's for sure.
I woke up pretty late today (as in after 1 p.m. and totally missed the awesome breakfast) so I feel rather shitty and unproductive about myself. I know I have to do so much better this semester and I need to redeem myself. Which also means I am most likely going to quit crew and do sailing with another houesmate instead. This can be expanded in much more detail later soon :) But I want to stop whining or am I just procrastinating about whining even?
Enough moaning already! Look at what I found the other day when I took the bus to the college town nearby. I have already long forgone Starbucks in favor of the better and much more awesome local coffee places around the school but this is just too adorable to pass up. I think you can only find a Starbucks that looks like this in New England and nowhere else.
Should I mention I am really really looking forward to spring and can't get ready to get of the snow altogether already? Though I heard that there would be quite a bit of snow come Tuesday :( Because this post is rather sparse and not fashion-centric AT ALL I want to make it up to you good folks by showing some photos that I took around the campus in the fall.
I should get back to finishing up the questions for French class and retire for the night. I already have some ideas for future posts and I can't wait to share it with you guys. Until then, bisous.
P.S. Thanks for the awesome and lovely comments of the last post! I, however, do not wish ever to claim credit for the video because I just found it on Vimeo by chance. Though I am happy that you ladies do like it and I feel way more encouraged to post now!
i really love your blog!
keep the wonderful inspiration flowing!
come visit COSMICaroline for a revamped layout and see the work of my brand new photographer!
love the photos on your blog
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