
Trying to Make This Grandpa Chic Thing Happen

Coat, Vintage. Top, UNIQLO. Jeans, Lands' End. Brogues, Aldo.
I always love the first week of the semester because usually the classes are just starting and it's great to see good friends again after a whole month of being away on J-Term. Now that we're back though, it has been a little more stressful than usual because of some catty behavior (the kind not seen since middle school) displayed by some classmates. Ah well, I guess not everybody grew up since high school eh? Sorry to be a bit of a downer on such a lovely winter day, but luckily it's Friiiiday Friiiiday, so I better get it down this weekend, make good use of my camera, and mentally escape that way.
This was pretty much what I wore the first day back. I bought this coat way back in late December for just $10 in Vancouver however I never got a real chance to wear it until now. I think it's men's coat from the way the buttons are arranged which explains why it's a little baggy even the shoulders more or less fit. I want to get it tailored somewhere somehow soon since the coat is of exceptional quality and made in England, and I hope to get a terrific wear out of the coat for a long time to come.
Since it is Friday when I usually post my 'Friday Favourites' of videos, here are two that I liked a lot this week:
Have a great weekend! I'll talk about Spring 2012 HC shows real tomorrow night soon. Heh. 

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