
Vogue US March 1998

Chanson de la Seine, James Prévert

La Seine a de la chance, elle n'a pas de soucis,
Elle se la coule douce, le jour comme la nuit,
 Et elle sort de sa source, tout doucement sans bruit,
Et sans se faire de mousse, sans sortir de son lit,
Elle s'en a vers la mer en passant par Paris.

La Seine a de la chance, elle n'a pas de soucis,
Et quand elle se promène, tout le long de ses quais, 
Avec sa belle robe verte, et ses lumières dorées.
Notre Dame jalouse, immobile, et sévère,
Du haut de toutes ses pierres la regarde de travers.

Mais la Seine s'en balance, elle n'a pas de soucis, 
Elle se la coule douce, le jour comme la nuit, 
Et s'en va vers le Havre, et s'en va vers la mer
En passant comme un rêve au milieu des mystères,
Des misères de Paris.

La Seine a de la chance, elle n'a pas de soucis, 
Elle se la coule douce, le jour comme la nuit,
Et clle sort de sa source, tout doucement sans bruit,
Et sans se faire de mousse, sans sortir de son lit,
Elle s'en va vers la mer en passant par Paris.

Tout doucement sans bruit,
Et sans se faire de mousse,
Sans sortir de son lit,
Elle s'en va vers la mer en passant par Paris. 

Recently I've been feeling a lot comme la Notre Dame, stuck and trapped in a crazy nonsensical blogging/creative rut that has left me feeling a bit lost for words. I don't know if it is the recent Japanese quadruple conundrum of earthquake, tsunami, nuclear disaster(s) and small volcanic eruption but I've always thought I was the more apathetic/cynical/pessimistic of people. Nevertheless, my heart goes for my all my Japanese friends and their families (all of them are from Tokyo which hasn't experienced much damage except maybe in the case of a full nuclear meltdown).

I've recently just finished Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami, and I found it was a breathtaking and most amazing a read - which I had initially it was either i) Holden Caulfield-like and end up sounding whiny and annoying or ii) megalomaniacal hipster-y book. Prejudices aside, it turned out to be a very moving read and something that sounds quite relevant - particularly to my age and surrounding circumstances. I'm thinking of doing a post on the fashion of the film that came out based on the book, that is directed by French Viet auteur, Tran Anh Hung and features Rinko Kikuchi and Matsuyama Ken'ichi (whom I absolutely adored as L in Death Note) and set in the heyday of preppy dressing of the late  1960s, what can go wrong!?

Hopefully, soon my creative juices can flow like la Seine again and start blogging about more happier, prettier things. I don't know how some bloggers out there blog for 1+, 2+, 3+ years! Kudos to you guys :)

3 comments: said...

i know what you mean, there are tons of times when i go through blogging ruts. love your blog btw

Advice From A Caterpillar said...

That's a totally incredible pic!!!!!!! Wowww-- fabbb post!
xoAdvice From a Caterpillar Store

Unknown said...

ill look out for that book and maybe give it a read xxx