
The Kinfolk Aesthetic

Photos from Pennyweight
I begin reluctantly...not because I don't want to share my findings on the net, but because I kind of swore to post only original content not only once but twice. Le sigh. But if there was one thing that influenced me immensely and permeated every artistic fiber in my being in 2011, it would be the magazine, Kinfolk. The magazine is created by a whole bunch of different creative types: writers, photographers, name it. Even so, there is a clear aesthetic running through each issue (it recently released the second volume and on its third) and stays consistent throughout each article and photos. The magazine feels wholesome and organic in a very hipster Pacific Northwest way and I'm half obsessing and half spazzing over everything. There is also a kind of clean, calm wabi-sabi touch. I'm not new to the camera (there were summer camps in the past spent in dark rooms) but it's been a while and I need to relearn a lot of things all over again. I believe in learning from the masters, or here the pros, and these are the kind of photographs that I would love to take even if I am no longer using film. Even though it will take me a long long time to have my photographs to even remotely resemble these, the pictures here represent the kind of aesthetic I hope to achieve. Perhaps in the long run I'll go find and do my 'own thing' but meanwhile I'll be learning from Kinfolk. Also people should check out Brian Ferry's and Amanda Jones' (other contributors) photos too!

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