Guest Post: A Summer Mixtape

Hello! This is Jada from Minestrone Soup for the Teenage Soul, and I am so happy to be guest blogging for Joy. All of her posts are so refreshing to read, and she's just a lovely lady and phenomenal blogger. For my guest post, I wanted to have all you readers enjoy a few great tunes that I have selected to compliment your summer days and nights. Hope everyone is enjoying the sun and having a happy summer!
Vetiver - Wonder Why // Album: The Errant Charm They had just released their new album, "The Errant Charm" in June and already caught the attention of indie music blogs everywhere, but most importantly, Rolling Stone. This indie folk band from San Francisco makes you almost feel as if you were on your way to a map less trip to California. Perfect summer anthem? I think so.
Foster the People - I Would Do Anything For You // Album: Torches I am in love with this band and not because the boys are cute...but on a serious note, listen to them. You may know this band from their popular single, "Pumped Up Kicks," which happens to be a pretty kick ass catchy song about a homicidal killer...oh. Anyways, this song is perfect for the summer because maybe you'll have a summer romance? Maybe not? Either way, it's dreamy.
Lisa Mitchell - Red Wine Lips // Album: Wonder This Australian singer has the most distinct and darling voice ears have ever wanted to hear! She was a contestant for Australian Idol and has played in numerous music festivals. This song will get your shoulders shuffling up and down and your feet on the floor. A cheerful tune to get you smiling and out in the warm summer sun.
Surfer Blood - Take It Easy // Album: Astro Coast From West Palm Beach, these Florida natives really bring the beach to their album, "Astro Coast." Just hearing the entire album, the band brings an oceanic imagery to their crazy, afro beat sound. They have been compared to the ivy league cuties of Vampire Weekend, but I believe these boys have a unique style of their own.
Bombay Bicycle Club - Ivy and Gold // Album: Flaws It's crazy to think how much this band has blown up into the indie music world. I've been a fan of them for years, and they will be releasing a new album by the end of this summer. From London, these talented and adorable British lads also cover a Joanna Newsom song in this all acoustic album. It is flawless...