While having posts with lots of photos are fun and particularly easy to do, I want to write more again now that summer school will be officially over by Monday. The posts from
Lin, and
Susie are so interesting that I want to create meaningful conversations just like they did in their writing. However the creative juices are not coming and I just can't bring myself to wax lyrical about fashion. I find myself no longer really obsessing over fashion the way I used to a few years ago, so I wonder if I had kind of outgrown it in a way and letting other things take precedence. There is a part of me that fears this because fashion has always been such a big defining part of me and I don't want this blog to turn into a online diary (I shudder at the Livejournal years). I do want to expand my scope and not talking strictly about the things I am going to wear for the day or the things I want to buy etc. etc. I know I will continue to struggle with ideas for the direction of the blog but for now, instead beating myself up about it further, I will log off now and go catch up on movies on my ever growing list of films-to-watch, which includes:
Cave of Forgotten Dreams 3D
- Sleeping Beauty
- Crazy Stupid Love
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
- Page One: Inside the New York Times
- Life, Above All
Also I just discovered this 30 day challenge to unplug this month at 8pm every work day but I plan to extend it to the weekend because I really do need to curb my internet addiction. Care to join me in this challenge?