I love the ironic juxtaposition of the title of this post and the first two images. There should be some cardinal rule that dictates for the amount of time spent sitting blogging, there should be an equal amount dedicated to moving out and about outside en plein air. Last Monday was British Columbia day so I got a day off, which was lovely and well timed. These are some photos I took from fiddling around with the settings on my sister's point and shooter. I usually dislike over-saturated photos, but for the first time I love how insanely supersaturated these photos are. They leave a cloyingly sweet aftertaste like artificially flavoured and coloured Popsicles, which to me was the epitome of summer when I was a kid. This is like the last full week of summer school left so I can't wait finally start finishing my list of things to do this summer, though woefully behind some productive bloggers such as One Sleepless Night here. No matter, as I fully intend to make the most of the summer left until school begins in the fall. In celebration of B.C. day, I would like to list some fellow awesome and creative Vancouverites and I'm sure you'll love them as much as I do: