
A Basics Update

After spending a few hours at UNIQLO in Soho, I am absolutely 100% completely satisfied with the basics of my wardrobe. Good god everything there is utilitarian AND beautiful; it had everything that I wanted and need that I didn't even end up buying the chambray shirt from Madewell. I can't find any place like them that sells well made clothing at an affordable price. Clearly their business is flourishing, so I don't understand why there isn't more companies trying to adopt similar methods and approaches for their products. I adore my new pair of jeans, both the cut and the wash. I seriously doubt I would be shopping again anytime soon. For a long long while to come.

Number of inquiries about broken foot = 3 thus far. I guess Vancouverites are more curious than most.
Find the ASOS Inspired Graphics tutorial at Pugly Pixels

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. I wish I had a uniqlo here. I found myself in the same predicament you talked about in a previous post about lacking summer essentials. But i didn't end up buying anything except a lands end tank because I couldn't find anything I liked that was affordable and quality. I can't imagine throwing down tons of $ on summer clothing.


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