Tips for #CyberMonday

Top, Lands' End. Jacket, UO. Scarf, Gift from friend. Pants, Lands' End. Boots, L.L. Bean.
I had vowed to myself not to do any outfit posts post-Thanksgiving (aka chubbier) before I hit the gym, which I haven't been going to much lately because of a third round of midterms and finals to come after. Then again since all my #cybermonday purchases has finally arrived, I thought I might share some of the lessons I learnt while shopping online that day. I still don't understand why people would bother camping out for Black Friday when you can shop in the comfort of your warm home without the risk of being trampled on (or worse pepper sprayed).
  • Don't get distracted by the price tag. Even though shirt is now 60% off but is not in the right colour or size, do not try to use the price to justify buying it. 
  • Restrain yourself. The fact everything is now in the affordable price range does not mean you can go lose yourself by clicking 'add to shopping bag'.
  • Keep searching, don't settle. You might have thought you found a great deal, when there might better ones out there for similar products on different sites. Scan the horizon before you go in for the kill. 
  • Unless you have been planning for the sale and gunning for a certain item, try to stick to safer choices. It's very easy to bag eye-catching pieces that are now available to your budget, but the money could be used better elsewhere once the novelty wears off. An accidental impulsive purchase on a safer item would easily to swallow since it's highly probable that you can incorporate it into your existing wardrobe somehow.
  • Stock up on basics. A lot of the sites also offered deals in buying in bulk, so why not take up on the opportunity to get more bang for your buck by stocking up things that you're running low on. 
Tip #5 is one the I found most useful as I tried to buy things I would get tons of wear out of, which include wool skirts, more button down shirts, two sweaters, some long sleeve tissue tees for layering, a pair of wonderfully aged boyfriend jeans and a few pairs of thick winter woolly socks. I should also note that the only part of the outfit that is bought during #cybermonday is the olive turtleneck. And now that the temperature is dropping, I'm able pull out my L.L. Bean boots to see the light of the day. They are surprisingly light, incredibly comfortable while warm at the same time. I have quite narrow feet so I adore how snug they feel. They are great alternative to the clunky Sorel boots I'm starting to see all over campus and I definitely recommend them for the colder season to come.